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Most of us don’t think much about our hair until it starts thinning. For many, a hair transplant can help restore a fuller head of hair.
A hair transplant is a surgery that moves existing hair to areas with little or no hair.
Hairline transplant doctors use this term for a hair transplant that fixes a receding hairline. In a receding hairline, hair at the top of the forehead and temples disappears. This makes the hairline move backward. It’s a common sign of male pattern baldness, the main cause of hair loss in men.
Is a hair transplant permanent?
Hair transplants are meant to last. After procedure at Neotis, once the Hair Transplant Kammanahalli doctor gives you the go-ahead, you can treat your new hair like your other hair – wash, comb, and style it as usual.
There are two main types of hair transplants: follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) or follicular unit extraction (FUE).
Follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS)
In FUSS, at Neotis surgeon removes a 6- to 10-inch strip of skin from the back of your head. They set it aside and close the scalp. Then, their team splits this strip into 500 to 2,000 tiny grafts, each with one or a few hairs. The number and type of grafts depend on your hair type, quality, color, and the size of the area being treated. FUSS is also called follicular unit transplantation (FUT).
Follicular unit extraction (FUE)
For FUE, the surgeon’s team shaves a part of the back of your scalp. At Neotis doctor then removes hair follicles one by one from this area. The area heals with small dots, which your remaining hair will hide.
After harvesting the hair, FUSS and FUE follow similar steps. The surgeon cleans and numbs the area where the hair will go, makes slits with a slit maker, and carefully places each graft in these holes. Other team members often help with this part.
The process takes about 8- 10 hours, depending on how much hair is being transplanted. You might need another procedure later if you keep losing hair or want thicker hair.
FUSS vs. FUE hair transplantations
Both FUSS and FUE work well for hair transplants. To choose between them, consider these pros and cons:
Scarring: FUSS leaves a scar where the grafts are taken. If you wear long hair, this might not matter as the scar will be less visible. FUE leaves tiny scars that hair usually covers.
Time: FUSS usually takes less time.
Appearance: In FUSS, there’s no need to shave the back of the head.
Risk: In FUE, more meticulous procedure and takes a team to perform the procedure. Can take little long time.
Cost: FUE tends to cost more than FUSS.
In theory, these transplants are for people who don’t have enough of their hair to cover bald spots. For Hair Transplant Kammanahalli area, you always rely on Neotis for best in house hair transplant surgeon doctor who knows a lot about hair loss and best options to treat with.
The best candidates for hair transplants typically have androgenetic alopecia, a common form of hair loss. For men, this usually means a receding hairline and thinning hair on top, potentially leading to baldness. Women, often experience overall thinning on top without changes to the hairline. To be eligible for a transplant, you need to have enough existing hair to move to the bare areas of your scalp.
Post-surgery, your scalp may be quite sensitive. Your doctor will likely have you wear head bandages for at least a day or two and may prescribe antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs.
The transplanted hair may or may not shed 4- 8 weeks after surgery, but you will start seeing new growth in a few months. Most people see more than 60% new hair growth after 6-9 months. Some doctors prescribe minoxidil to boost hair growth after transplantation.
The price of a hair transplant largely depends on how much hair you’re moving. Most insurance plans don’t cover this procedure.
Like any surgery, transplants carry some risks, including bleeding and infection
(if not taken care properly). There’s also a chance of scarring (with FUT mainly) and unnatural-looking new hair growth (not experienced doctor).
When new hair starts growing, some people might experience folliculitis, an inflammation or infection of the hair follicles. This can usually be treated with antibiotics and compresses. You might also experience temporary “shock loss” of some original hair in the transplant area, but this is usually not permanent.
Discuss these risks and potential improvements with your Neotis doctor to decide if it’s a good option for you.
If you experience any problem after a hair transplant, personal contact number of doctor at Neotis is provided to call immediately (24X7).